UUA Common Read – Beyond the Kitchen Door

behind the kitchen door smallWUU is participating in the Unitarian Universalist Association Common Read of “Behind the Kitchen Door.” Rev. Jennifer and Wayne Moyer will be leading a discussion of the book from 2-4 on February 23. Here’s a description of the book from the UUA website:

“In Behind the Kitchen Door (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013), author Saru Jayaraman reveals how restaurant workers live on some of the lowest wages in America and how poor working conditions-discriminatory labor practices, exploitation, and unsanitary kitchens-affect the meals that arrive at our restaurant tables. The author, who launched a national restaurant workers organization after 9/11, tells the stories of ten restaurant workers in cities across the United States as she explores the political, economic, and moral implications of eating out: What’s at stake when we choose a restaurant is not only our own health or ‘foodie’experience but also the health and well-being of the second largest private sector workforce-10 million people, many immigrants, many people of color, who bring passion, tenacity, and insight into the American dining experience. (UUA website)

Behind the Kitchen Door is available from the UUA Bookstore and Amazon.com.




