President’s Report

Because of heightened awareness of the vulnerability of religious institutions, WUU, along with the James City police department, has instituted a vigorous safety review process. You may have noticed that doors are not being propped open these days, and there will be lots of information coming over the next month or so about new procedures to ensure the safety of our congregation and facilities.

At the end of October, we hosted a very successful Tidewater Cluster event, superbly organized by Katrina Landon. The workshops were informative, and it was truly enjoyable to meet our fellow UUs from the congregations around us.

Recently several WUUs have gone to First Unitarian Church in Richmond to help with their Sanctuary project in which a family is being housed and protected from possible ICE interference. This is an around-the-clock program requiring much diligence and manpower. If you are interested in helping, speak to Helen Hansen, Jess Sapalio or Les Solomon.

You may have seen our advertisement for the Administrative Assistant position. Reverend Laura has created a job description and we are actively soliciting applicants. If you know anyone who is not a member that might be interested, please encourage them to apply. Meanwhile Cortney, working on a temporary basis, is ably holding up under the demands of the job.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s not in my extended family’s tradition to speak about what we’re grateful for at our holiday meal—all forty of us–but I will make an attempt to strike up that conversation this year. How about you? Let’s make sure we spend some time this Thanksgiving focusing on gratitude.

Jessica O’Brien