Annual Giving Campaign Kickoff March 3

Annual Giving Campaign Kicks Off March 3

This coming Sunday, we will kick off the general phase of the Annual Giving Campaign.  All WUU members and friends are asked to thoughtfully consider their annual financial commitment.  Membership means many things, and among them is making a financial gift on an annual basis.

The Annual Giving Campaign will run from March 3 through April 30.  During that time, you will be provided with information to help you in making your pledge decision.  Each person will have a member of the Annual Giving Team as their contact person. This person will be in touch and available to answer questions about the campaign goal, logistics of pledging, or any other questions you have.  (Remember that your pledge is for the upcoming fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.)

The theme for this year’s campaign is “Imagining a Congregation of Abundance!”  It reflects the visionary Strategic Plan adopted by the Board in 2018, and the many initiatives flowing from that plan.  It builds on the generosity this congregation has demonstrated over many years. The goal for the coming year is $410,000.  This is a significant increase from 2018-19. Our congregation is growing. Our Religious Education program is growing. Our Social Justice program is making an impact in new ways.  Our facilities have grown and require funds to be maintained. New initiatives are taking place in adult faith development and leadership development. We are committed to compensating our staff fairly.  All of this requires financial resources. More than 80% of the annual budget comes from the annual campaign.

For many of us, handling money is not something we associate with our spiritual lives.  Mark Ewert, a UUA Congregational Stewardship Services Consultant, says “Stewardship connects what we have been given … ,how we track and account for those resources, what we decide to do with them (according to our values/beliefs) and how we ensure that they are skillfully used to those purposes”.  In other words, how we use our financial resources is very much a spiritual practice that says a lot about what we believe in and value.

To meet our goal will require increased commitments from many members, and new commitments from those who are not currently pledging.  Every gift is significant, regardless of size.


From the Annual Giving Team

Dave Banks

Anne Luchsinger

Ellen Busching

Ben Puckett, co-chair

Allen Cooke

Ann Tetrault

Rich Costello, co-chair

Larry Ventis

Martha Elim