Annual Giving Campaign Making Progress

As of this writing we have received $301,433 in total pledges from 94 pledgers.  We have reached 73.% of our goal of $410,000.  Of those who have pledged, 86% have pledged at least the same amount as last year, with 57% increasing their pledge.  Overall the average increase in pledge is more than 8%.  THANK YOU to everyone who has pledged so generously.

We have more than 150 members and friends still considering their annual financial commitment.   We need  the generosity of everyone to reach our goal. Any pledge, regardless of size, is meaningful and  appreciated.

We hope that most of you have received annual giving materials, including a pledge form.  If not please stop by the annual giving table in the Gathering Hall on Sunday morning or call the office at 757-220-6830.

During the next few weeks, the Annual Giving Committee will be reaching out individually to those who we have not heard from.  As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


From the Annual Giving Team

Dave Banks                             Anne Luchsinger
Ellen Busching                       Ben Puckett, co-chair
Allen Cooke                            Ann Tetrault
Rich Costello, co-chair        Larry Ventis
Martha Elim