Welcome, New Members!

During the second half of the year, seven people became members of WUU. We will recognize them during this Sunday’s worship service at 10 am. Get to know our newest members by reading their bios below, and be sure to offer them a warm welcome to the community!

Cynthia Bickey

Cynthia Bickey

I’m a native West Virginian, and I still own our family business there, which my older son runs now. The business is coal-related, and I still serve as a consultant.

My late husband (he died in 2014) and I were married almost 47 years, and we have four children: two in WV, one in Florida, and one in NC. I am the proud grandparent of 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Yes, big family!

After my husband died, I moved to Florida with my mother who loved Florida, but when she died last December, I decided to move here, where my husband and I vacationed for years. I was not as fond of Florida myself; for one thing, I really missed the seasons.

My husband and I have owned this townhouse in New Town since 2006. Before that we owned a small 18th century style house in Quarterpath Trace in Kingsmill from 1991. So I’m not a stranger to Williamsburg, and I love actually living here now. It helps that I’ve found a great UU church. I attended two of them in Florida, one in Clearwater, and the other in Tarpon Springs.

I look forward to the time when I can meet all of the members in person, and become more active in your projects and causes.

Jess Hench

Jess Hench 

I moved from Richmond to Williamsburg in 2012 to attend graduate school at W&M, earning a doctorate in Higher Education. This wonderful community was my first UU experience, and I truly found a spiritual home here. I was an active member of WUU from 2012-2016, engaging in volunteer projects like the Day of Caring and serving on the Board during ministerial transition.

In 2016, I moved to Charlottesville to be close to family, then back to Richmond in 2018. During that time, I worked in Leadership Development at UVA, taught courses, and worked on my own academic coaching business. After amicably parting ways with my partner, I moved back to Williamsburg in June of 2020 for a new beginning. I have some great friends in this area and love being close to nature. I teach full-time at Christopher Newport University, in Leadership Studies as well as Business. I am delighted to be back among my WUU family – even remotely! You all have been so welcoming and supportive, and you have truly made me feel like I’m Home.

Lesley Henderson

Lesley Henderson

A native North Carolinian (Go Tar Heels!) with an Episcopalian upbringing, Lesley Henderson originally came to Williamsburg, VA for graduate school at William & Mary l in 1999. After graduating with an Education Specialist degree in School Psychology, Lesley remained in Williamsburg as a school psychologist for Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools. As fate would have it, Lesley and her husband, Greg Henderson, met while both were in graduate school at William & Mary. After finishing their degrees, the two became engaged and married, officially settling in Williamsburg. Greg and Lesley have three sons, Rowan (14), Lucas (11), and Keller (6), as well as a pet cat, Tucker (16), and a Cavachon puppy, Sadie (almost 1). The Henderson family resides in the Kingspoint neighborhood. Lesley worked as a school psychologist in Williamsburg for twelve years until accepting a position in 2014 at William & Mary as the Director of Student Accessibility Services (Disability Services) in the Dean of Students Office. She held this position at William & Mary for six years. Recently, Lesley returned to her first calling of school psychology and again works for Williamsburg-James City County Schools. Caring for and serving students with disabilities or diagnosed conditions remains Lesley’s personal passion and professional commitment. Additionally, Lesley likes to paddleboard, listen to audiobooks while taking long walks, clown around with her children, practice yoga, study Tarot and Oracle cards, write, and craft (time and energy willing). Lesley considers herself a life-long learner and is currently taking a 200-hour yoga teacher training. She is also slowly chipping away at a Master’s degree in Counseling through William & Mary’s School of Education. Lesley is drawn to WUU thanks to its inclusivity, compassion, social activism, welcoming congregation, and open-mindedness regarding spirituality. 

Herb Jones

Herb Jones

Herb is the CEO of Pyramid Technologies, LLC, a cloud-computing & project management consulting firm. He is also a retired US Army combat veteran, serving tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Herb served as the treasurer for New Kent County from 2000 to 2011. Currently,  he serves on several board of directors to include VA NORML, Roanoke Area Ministries, and Achieving Community Excellence (Williamsburg). He is also a charter member of the New Kent Rotary Club. In November 2019, Herb was a democratic candidate for 3rd Senate District of Virginia; he earned more democratic votes in history for this district.


Colin Moore

Colin Moore

Hello, I’m Colin! I am writing this to tell you a little bit about myself.  I have a few hobbies, such as gaming, cooking (kind of), and I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family.





Melissa Stump

Melissa Stump

Melissa and Eve Stump (daughter) are thrilled to have returned to New Kent County/ Lanexa and WUU.

We first came to WUU for Drew, Sicily and Eve to have a well-rounded Religious Education experience. We all resonated strongly, and bonded with the range of spiritual practices, dear people and the UU Principles. When we had to leave Virginia we continued our worship with the Jacksonville (FL) Unitarian Universalists and most recently the Georgia Mountains Unitarian Universalist Church in Dahlonega GA. It’s been wonderfully heartwarming for Eve and I to return to services and see so many familiar faces; and to meet our new (to us) minister. 

Our interests include the range of practices from earth-based to Buddhist. Am looking forward to joining the meditation group. Just found out that laughing yoga (?) meets at the church; and definitely want to check that out. We’re big on Human Rights and Social Justice; and taking action. We enjoy performance and dining, as well as gardening/ landscaping.

Looking forward to purveying Equal Exchange coffee again, once we’re in person, being in the presence of You, and seeing the new space.

Walk in Beauty Arrive in Love

Coe Walkley

Coe Walkley

Coe Walkley is a native Virginian and lifelong UU. He is in the virtual academy and a proud middle school graduate. He grew up in RE classes, hiked with the Navigators, has been multiple animals in Christmas pageants and now helps with the AV team. For the past few years he has gone to camp at The Mountain and has been to a few SUUSI gatherings.  He follows politics closely and looks forward to voting in 2024.