December 5, 2021: “Joy FOR the World”



David Hopkinson, Worship Associate

Opening Hymn
“People, Look East”
Recorded by All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church of Kansas City; Darrington Clark, Shanna Jones, Sarah LaBarr & Tom Lancaster, Soloists; Anthony T. Edwards, Music Director 

Welcome & Greeting
David Hopkinson

Come, come, whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Whatever your image of the Holy,
Your presence here is a gift.
All are worthy, all are welcome.

Call to Worship
with words by Carl Seaburg
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, Minister

Lighting the Chalice
David Hopkinson

We light this chalice
for the warmth of love;
for the light of truth;
for the energy of action;
and for the harmony of peace:
Peace in our hearts,
peace in our community,
and peace in our world.

Wisdom Story
“Beautiful Yetta’s Hanukkah Kitten,” by Daniel Pinkwater (author) and Jill Pinkwater (illustrator)
Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Meditation & Prayer, Sung, Spoken & Silent
with a guided meditation by Patricia Ellsberg
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Centering Song
“Lifted in Love,” written by Carl Karush & Lea Morris
Performed by Lea Morris

Sharing Our Gifts
Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688
In-Person Giving: Place offerings in the dropbox at the back of the sanctuary.

The collection this week goes to our general operating fund to help cover all of those essential things like staff salaries and building maintenance, as well as the activities that are so important to all of us, from social justice initiatives to crayons for our RE children. Thank you for your support!

Offertory Music
“Light One Candle”
Performed by Peter, Paul, & Mary and friends

Two Readings
by adrienne maree brown
David Hopkinson & Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

“Joy FOR the World”
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Closing Song
The Latke Song,by Debbie Friedman
Performed in Boston in 2001 by Debbie Friedman, guitar & vocals; David Bravo, piano; Jon Nelson, bass;  Josh Nelson, drums; sign language, E.J. Cohen, Rebekah Barkowitz; backing vocals: Peri Smilow, Julie Silver, David Paskin, Jeff Klepper, and a couple of hundred Boston area religious school children

I am a latke, I am a latke.
And I am waiting for Hanukkah to come.
I am a latke, I am a latke.
And I am waiting for Hanukkah to come.

Extinguishing the Chalice
David Hopkinson

We extinguish this flame,
but not the light of truth,
the warmth of community,
or the fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts
until we are together again.

Closing Circle & Benediction
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Post-service café conversation: All are invited to stay on Zoom and in the Sanctuary for a café conversation with the Journey to Asylum team to learn about program updates. 

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