WUU Leadership Retreat

Thanks to all participants for your commitment and engagement at the Leadership Retreat on Saturday, May 21. We shared in expressions of gratitude for initiatives for the many accomplishments over the last two years. The wishes and concerns as expressed by congregants in the Visioning Circles were discussed and ideas proposed to inspire and strengthen the WUU community in the coming year.

The Visioning Circles Leadership Retreat team met 5/26/22 to plan the next steps forward. The Board has met on the Leadership Retreat and is moving forward with applicable action items. Committee chairs have been asked to meet with their committees during June to write their goals for the next year. Goals are due July 1. They will be presented and finalized at the July Program Council meeting.

Anne Stevens (chair), Jessica O’Brien, Linda Lane-Hamilton, David Wilcox, Les Solomon, Sally Fisk (facilitator)