March 2023 President’s Report

Minister Transitions: I’m delighted to report that February has been a busy month to plan for our future:

  • The Board (current and nominees) met with Rev. Tyler Coles from the Southern Regional UU Office.
  • Linda Lane-Hamilton summarized our meeting with Tyler at the Annual Congregational meeting.
  • The major portion of our regular monthly meeting focused on next steps. Four congregants attended in-person/online. Our first major decisions:
    • We voted to select a search committee for an Interim minister.
    • The Board was silent about the length of the Interim Ministry and the type of ministry (the two choices appear to be a Settled Ministry as we have now or a Contract Ministry), leaving those decisions down the road.
  • The Executive Committee and other Board members (current and newly-elected) compiled a list of candidates and recommended that 3 would be the ideal search committee size.
  • The Board (of course, open to all) will meet on March 8 at 5:30 in room 108 and on Zoom to elect the Interim Minister search committee. As is the case for congregational elections, the candidate list can be expanded by the Board members, with the consent of the new nominee(s).

Board Actions/Motions at the February 22 meeting.

  • The Board supports the Program Council’s work to renew WUU’s certification as a Welcoming Congregation through the UUA. Dr. Deborah Fabian has formed a team to begin this work.
  • Newly elected Board officers are ex-officio members of the Board’s Executive Committee until they assume their official duties in May. This enables more continuity during this transitional period with Linda and Pat on the Executive Committee team.
  • Katrina Landon and Kerry Mellette will head our Good Good-Bye activities related to Rev. Laura’s departure. This activity is recommended in the Transitions Handbook.

Delegates for General Assembly (GA). Rev. Laura’s February WUU News piece talks about the Seven Principles and Article 2. If you interested in serving as one of WUU’s five GA delegates this year where Article 2 is on the table:

  1. Begin your quest by reviewing GA information on the UUA website, and
  2. Let me know of your interest. The GA delegate slate will be voted on by the Board later this spring.

Save this date: March 11 for the Cluster Meeting in Virginia Beach. Tyler Coles, our Southern Regional contact for our minister search, is the featured speaker. So far, we have almost 20 WUU registrants. It would be great to have 25 registrants. The last day to register is March 3.

Keeping up with this work. Contact the WUU Office to receive the Board update email. We send out the update to enable those with an interest in the board’s work on a more-timely basis.

Les Solomon, WUU Board President