May 2023 Report from Your Board

Front row, L to R: Pat Russo, VP; Linda Lane-Hamilton, President; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Les Solomon, Secretary. Back row, L to R: Kerry Mellette, Phoebe Kent, Angela Surber, Melissa Stump, Katrina Landon

The new board made several significant decisions at its May board meeting, met at a retreat May 30 to envision what a successful WUU would look like a year from now, and continues planning for the coming year.

  • WUU will rent to the Ixora (Wildflower) Montessori school in our McGiffert wing for at least three more years. This Montessori program is part of “an ecosystem of decentralized Montessori micro-schools that support children, teachers, and parents.” Montessori will move one of their two classrooms from 109 to 110, allowing them more space to grow in 110 and allowing 109 to be ready to go for our lower elementary program for the coming year.
  • The Board approved use of the Parker House for Social Justice and the Journey to Asylum for the next two years. WUU has hosted two asylum families and will be hosting a third this coming year.
  • The Board passed the budget for 2023-2024 which, though hopeful and generous, will depend on WUUs increasing our own generosity, participating in some new fundraising events, and growing our membership.
  • At a Board planning retreat May 30, the Board set Board focuses for the year and began drafting their covenant. Each member presented their version of what they hope for WUU a year from now.
  • Members of the board will try different ways of communicating with the congregation, including possible Board/Congregation listening sessions after the service. The first listening session will be after a service in July.
  • Remember the annual congregational meeting Sunday, a session with reports about our budget, our accomplishments in the past year from Rev. Laura, DRE Austen Petersen (via video), and membership chair Angela Surber, and some new information about the future in reports from the Interim Minister Search Committee and the Board. The meeting will be held after the Sunday service June 4.

Linda Lane-Hamilton, President
Pat Russo, Vice-President and Personnel Chair
Les Solomon, Secretary
Franz Gross, Finance Chair
Phoebe Kent, Katrina Landon, Kerry Mellette, Melissa Stump, Angela Surber