July 2023 Report from Your Board

Front row, L to R: Pat Russo, VP; Linda Lane-Hamilton, President; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Les Solomon, Secretary. Back row, L to R: Kerry Mellette, Phoebe Kent, Angela Surber, Melissa Stump, Katrina Landon

What’s been happening around WUU??
June was a busier month than normal, beginning with the annual congregational meeting June 4 and ending with Rev. Laura’s last week as our minister and attending her final board meeting on June 28.

We said goodbye to Rev. Laura.

  • We said a formal goodbye to each other at the June 18 worship service, with the children making painted rocks and a huge card, and the board presenting a handmade bag of cards from the congregation and a silver chalice necklace. Katrina Landon and Kerry Mellette planned the “good good-bye”, a service which ended with a reception and cake.
  • We also said good-bye with a required UUA exit interview that occurs whenever a ministry ends. The board agreed that the exit interview group would be presidents or ex-presidents who served during Rev. Laura’s time with us and Natalie Miller-Moore, chair of the nominating team. Les Solomon, Jessica O’Brien, Katrina Landon, Linda Lane-Hamilton and Pat Russo individually completed evaluation forms which were then compiled into a written evaluation which stays on file with the UUA. The group also participated in a 90-minute final interview with Rev. Tyler Coles via Zoom to review the written evaluation. Rev. Laura also completed an exit interview with the UUA and this too will be kept on file with the UUA.

We attended our annual congregational meeting June 4, heard reports, and watched a video message from our new interim minister.

  • Membership chair Angela Surber reported that twenty-nine new members joined WUU this past year, the largest number in several years (and welcome to you all!), and described the WUU Starting Point orientation classes and ways we recognize and celebrate new members.
  • Finance chair Franz Gross reported that next year’s budget, while hopeful and generous, will depend on our individual pledging but also on some fun-and-fund-raising events. (For example, beginning in October, WUU members will be making and serving First Sunday lunches for fund-raising, coordinated by Jessica O’Brien.)
  • Austen Petersen, our DRE, showed up on the big screen to let us know about significant summer RE events (see your RE mailing).
  • Rev. Laura said a gracious goodbye and reviewed what we’ve done together in the past six years.
  • Our new interim, Rev. Michelle, also showed up on the big screen—introducing herself and letting us know she will be here the end of July after driving from California to Virginia by herself, with family and furniture to follow later.

Our campus will be busy—as usual.

  • Montessori will rent our McGiffert wing, now with a three-year contract approved by the board, so we will continue having teachers, family members and young children on our campus five days a week.
  • The Church of God contract was renewed for next year for their use of much of our building Saturdays from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Of course, we continue renting Fahs House to the Williamsburg Friends for their meetings and gatherings.
  • Our second Journey to Asylum family has moved out of Parker House and into their own apartment, and WUU volunteers have been preparing the house for our third JTA family, a family from the Congo with four children.

What decisions did the Board make at its June 28 meeting?

  • Confirmed Rev. Michelle’s new Transition Team–Fred Gilbertson, Helen Hansen, BethAnne Klaver, Jessica O’Brien, Susan Walkley, and Dave Wilcox. Rev. Michelle asked that a team be in place when she arrives; board members submitted names to the current Interim Minister Search Committee, which forwarded their selections to the board.
  • Cited the need for a new WUU Safety Team and appointed Board members Phoebe Kent and Kerry Mellette to develop a charter for Board review. They will recruit and link to a small group who will use materials gathered from past WUU safety groups, the UUA, and other sources to redesign our safety procedures.
  • Approved the Board’s covenant and working guidelines, created at their May 30th Board retreat. Goals include enhancing both internal and external communication and developing the congregation’s core organizational and business practices.
  • Set Sunday, July 16, for a post-service information and listening session to address questions about board actions and updates about General Assembly actions, especially around Article II.
  • Scheduled a Board potluck with Rev. Michelle Aug. 16 and highlighted an all-congregation potluck with Rev. Michelle Friday, Aug. 18.

From the WUU Board
Linda Lane-Hamilton, president; Pat Russo, vice-president; Les Solomon, secretary; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Phoebe Kent, Katrina Landon, Kerry Mellette, Melissa Stump, Angela Surber


Contact the WUU Board President: boardpresident@wuu.org

If you are a WUU member with a special interest in keeping up-to-date with Board activities (agendas, upcoming forums, etc), please email office@wuu.org to be added to the Board Updates mailing list. Official announcements will be posted in our weekly Spiral emails or shared in special emails, as needed.