July 2023 Journey to Asylum Update

by the Journey to Asylum team

It has been a whirlwind summer for the Journey to Asylum (JTA) program! We bid farewell to Mike, Stefany, and Alessandra as they ventured out to establish their new home in Norfolk, then immediately began preparations for our next guests. We are thrilled to have welcomed a family from the Democratic Republic of the Congo – Eric, Ketty, their three children Nathan (10), Aliana (9), and Maelys (7), along with Ketty’s younger sister, Merveille (13).  

It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes a loving and dedicated community to welcome a family of six (with another on the way)! One of the most exciting updates is that we have acquired two new partners in this program – Bruton Parish and (most recently) Temple Beth El. Bruton’s volunteers jumped right in alongside our own to help prepare the house under Lola Warren’s thoughtful direction. Parker was thoroughly cleaned, needed repairs were made, and the house was transformed into a warm and welcoming home for our newest family, complete with a welcome basket of local goodies and activity bundles for the four children. Community donations outfitted the house, and it was a beautiful sight to see more than 30 volunteers from both WUU and Bruton working inside and out to prepare Parker in time for the family’s arrival. On July 3, a volunteer from Bruton and a volunteer from WUU drove to Richmond to pick the family up from the bus stop and bring them to their new home in Williamsburg!

Since then, it has been a steady flow of activity. From school registrations and physicals to English language assessments at Literacy for Life and a job fair, it has been non-stop. We have worked with the family to connect their cell phones, apply for social services benefits, set up medical appointments, shop for needed items, apply for jobs, apply for legal representation from the W&M Immigration Clinic, establish bank accounts, get new bikes, and study for the drivers’ tests. None of this could happen without our incredible team of volunteers (which now span three faith groups) – always at the ready to drive our guests to appointments, babysit the children, pick up and deliver food boxes, provide French/English interpretation, and take them for fun outings like 4th of July fireworks!  

Ketty and Eric are eager to explore many aspects of life in Williamsburg and are enjoying getting to know so many of you. Our little house on campus is now brimming with love and laughter and lots of singing!  

Want to be part of this beautiful thing we call Journey to Asylum? Reach out to our core team via email at asylum@wuu.org – all are welcome!