UU Chalice Check In Fall 2023

by Grace Morales, William & Mary UU Circle Executive Team Leader

The UU Circle of William & Mary is back for Fall 2023! We started the year out with a lovely meeting to reunite after a long summer apart. We chose Aromas as our meet up place and enjoyed sandwiches with smoothies. After that we headed to the club fair to promote the Circle to incoming freshmen and others!

We decided to combine tables with the Spirituality Circle and Buddhist Sangha, two other clubs that share similar values to the UU Circle. Many students come to all three of the clubs’ events during the year. Our very own Maddie Farris is the co-chair for the spirituality circle, leading weekly meetings on topics related to spirituality and philosophy. Austen and congregation members provided us with cookies, shirts, and water bottles to attract students to the table. Some students were very interested to learn about the intersecting clubs, while others just wanted in on the cookies. Nevertheless, all were welcome!

This semester we are focusing on mental health and wellness in our activities. We have planned events for the semester such as a yoga session and a sound healing experience at the wellness center. We want to provide a safe space for our members where everyone feels welcome! There is also talk of another drum circle in our future.

We are very excited to share the UU love this semester and collaborate with similar clubs to spread peace and belonging. Here’s to a new year and new possibilities!


The UU Circle