January 2024 WUU Presidents’ Report

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, president; Pat Russo, vice-president

As we kick off the new year and think about what success looks like at WUU in 2024, the Board will focus on work that will shape the future of WUU.

  • This Spring, the board will make decisions about our next minister—whether to form a search committee for a called minister (a year-long process) or hire a development minister, contract minister or other options. The board meets with UUA Transitions Manager Christine Purcell Jan. 10 on Zoom to discuss next steps. Rev. Michelle’s interim ministry ends June 30, 2025.
  • The board will vote on hiring a financial consultant to guide us in developing a long-range financial plan that takes us through the next three-five years, beginning this summer.
  • The congregation will study the revised by-laws over the next 6 weeks in preparation for a vote at the annual congregational meeting Feb. 18.
  • The board will review future building use and rentals, update as needed older documents guiding our building use process, and review current and future rentals to have a better understanding of building uses and their financial implications.
  • The congregation and leadership will continue working on trust, being a healthy congregation, and celebrating and having fun together.

Preparation for Feb. 18 congregational meeting—congregational vote on WUU by-laws revisions

Early the week of Jan. 8th, all WUUs will receive information about the revised by-laws – an executive summary of the need for revision and the process, a list of major changes relating to WUU governance, and a copy of the revision. Those of you who are by-laws experts will notice that the revised by-laws are 40 percent shorter than the current ones.

As part of the democratic process occurring before the annual meeting in February, the Board is distributing the revised by-laws a month in advance and offering special information sessions about the reasons for revision and the major changes. You can ask questions, make comments, and make suggestions.

  • Dates for in-person by-laws information sessions:
    Sunday, Jan. 21, 11:15 (Main Sanctuary)
    Sunday, Jan. 28, 11:15 (Main Sanctuary)
  • Dates for Zoom by-laws information sessions:
    Monday, Jan. 15, 12 – 1
    Tuesday, Jan. 23, 7 – 8
  • Committees with by-laws information sessions (optional) for their members:
    Personnel Committee
    Finance Committee
    Stewardship Committee
    Nominating Committee


Contact the WUU Board President: boardpresident@wuu.org