Annual Congregational Meeting

by Les Solomon, WUU Board Secretary

Last Sunday, after the worship service almost 80 members met to decide on two important topics: Election of persons to represent us and consider the adoption of the revised WUU bylaws.  

Our Nominations Committee presented their slate of candidates and there were no new nominations that came from the meeting attendees. As a result, we were able to elect all of the slate by acclamation. All of the persons are newly elected with the exception of Les Solomon, elected for a second year as Board Secretary. Board members will begin their terms in May and the remaining persons will begin in July.

Thank you to the Nominations Committee for the many hours of work needed to nominate these persons and thank you to our new leaders for agreeing to serve in these important positions!

The hard work of the Bylaws Task Force and more than 30 congregants who participated in the bylaws discussions enabled the congregation to create and adopt a more efficient document ready to address our future challenges and opportunities. We managed to address a number of amendments, correct a few grammatical oversights, and change a few words to make the document more in line with our values. Additionally, we agreed to table two amendments and to adopt the new Bylaws. What might have taken hours was completed in 75 minutes! The new Bylaws are available on line and here.  

President Linda Lane-Hamilton also presented a brief report about the options for selecting a new minister when our interim minister leaves. The primary focus was on the Settled and Developmental Minister options. Before taking action, the Board will host a number of café conversations in the next two months. Stay tuned so you can be a part of these important discussions.