Worship Calendar

Sunday, May 5, at 10:00 am: “Annual May Day Service,” Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister & Liz Wiley, Worship Committee Chair

Come join us for our annual May Day celebration! We will weave the colorful ribbons round the Maypole — outdoors if sunny and indoors if rainy — in this favorite all-ages tradition. Wear bright garments! Dance a circle round! Live music! Drum, sing, and feel the rhythm of the earth! Bring friends!

Sunday, May 12, at 10:00 am: “The Plurality of Motherhood,” Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

Today we’ll hear the voices and stories of many different mothers and others who mother, reminding us that Mother’s Day (and other similar holidays) aren’t just the one-dimensional perspective put forward by Hallmark.

Sunday, May 19, at 10:00 am: “The Composer’s Canvas: Crafting Musical Stories”

Featuring music composed by John Chowning, David Hamilton, John Keating, Fred Strong & Scott Varney

Every song tells a story. Every song says something about the person who composed it. And every song connects with us in ways universal and mysterious. Please join us for this service of original music composed by our WUU composers: John Chowning, David Hamilton, John Keating, Fred Strong, and Scott Varney.

Sunday, May 26, at 10:00 am: “The Wisdom Within Us,” Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

Throughout our lives we are faced with stress, pain, and challenges of a variety of sorts. And, like it or not, we have to find ways to keep going in whatever way makes sense for us. We’ll look into ourselves this morning for the wisdom of our bodies to address the stress that comes along.