Committee for Right Relations User Guide
The members of Williamsburg Unitarian Universalists established a special “committee of the congregation” in January 2008 at a congregational meeting. They amended the WUU bylaws accordingly, and elected the first three members to sit on the initial committee over staggered three-year terms. The Committee of Right Relations (CRR) is the product of three years of study by an ad hoc committee of the Board charged with preparation of a plan to implement the congregations’ Covenant of Right Relations (CORR), which had been adopted by the congregation in May 2005. The CRR will function to bring the principles of the CORR to life within the body of the congregation. This may involve responding to grievances, conflicts, or congregation-life concerns brought to it by any person associated with the congregation. CRR members may provide direction on procedures for activating congregation-wide discussions/meetings, may make referrals to outside professional help and support to individuals or parties-in conflict, including services of the UUA and District offices, and may provide mediation services directly.
The current membership of the CRR is posted on the main CRR web page. Routine replacement elections for one new member will occur at each annual meeting of the congregation in May, with annual nominees to be slated from the nominating committee or put forth from the floor. The Board can fill unplanned vacancies until the next annual meeting.
The bylaws stipulate that any member of the congregation with “wisdom and/or experience with” conflict resolution may be considered for election to the CRR. The members of the initial CRR all came from the ad hoc committee that had prepared recommendations for implementing the CORR.
It is assumed that congregants will use their best problem-solving skills to try to resolve conflicts before consulting the CRR. However, if assistance is requested, the CRR was created to take an educational and facilitative role in helping all persons associated with the congregation use their own resources and talents to identify and manage conflicts. If any party to a dispute is unwilling to cooperate with the CRR conflict resolution procedures then the CRR cannot become involved. If indicated the matter will be forwarded to the WUU Board, perhaps to be pursued under the Board’s disruptive behavior policy.
Even before any appreciable conflict arises the CRR may be a “go-to” resource for ventilation of dissatisfactions, information, referral, everyday suggestions for keeping our community in harmony. The CRR will keep the congregation reminded about and attentive to the CORR, and might offer training, education and consultation in conflict resolution skill building.
LOW levels of conflict or grievance:
Examples of appropriate issues to bring to the CRR for guidance might be:
unhappiness with quality of housekeeping or grounds maintenance
dissatisfaction with worship schedules and formats, or RE curricula
minor offense with another congregant’s manners within the sanctuary
disagreement or upset about a sermon or worship element
For which the CRR might offer a person associated with the congregation:
direction to the appropriate person or team chair in charge of the matter
a somewhat trained and neutral ear to think/talk the matter through
advice about ways the complainant might approach the “offender” to have a productive “difficult conversation”
access to resource materials to learn more about the issues
MIDDLE levels of conflict or grievance
Examples of appropriate issues to bring to the CRR for guidance or intervention might be:
strongly hurt feelings arising from conflict with a fellow congregant
objections to decisions, structures or rulings from congregation governance
emerging dissatisfaction with one of the ministries of the congregation
For which the CRR might offer a person associated with the congregation:
strategy options about simple conflict resolution techniques and styles
referral to congregation bodies/ministers who might need to become involved
offering to arrange a meeting between complainant and “offender,” with or without a CRR person present
help with composing letters of complaint or grievance
HIGH levels of conflict or grievance
Examples of appropriate issues to bring to the CRR for help in correcting or resolving might be:
interpersonal conflict that has risen to the level of acrimony/bitterness
congregation conflicts that are becoming divisive in group or faction terms
personal feeling of woundedness or breach in relations within the body
conflicts/tensions/schisms which “can’t be talked about” any more
unwelcome sexualized behavior toward another congregant or staff member
For which the CRR might offer a person associated with the congregation:
direction on procedures for activating congregation-wide discussions/meetings
referral to outside professional help and/or support services of the UUA and district offices
mediation services by members of the CRR or other consultants
referral to the board when parties to the dispute are not willing to cooperate with CRR processes (see Board Policy on Disruptive Behavior)
Since the concept is to keep responsibility for living the Covenant Of Right Relations in the hands of the congregation, there are some matters of tension and irritation within our community that the Committee of Right Relations will decide to give back to the complainant or the parties in conflict to address by their own resources, hopefully guided by the Covenant of Right Relations (link).
At the other extreme of conflict the CRR will not involve itself in matters of significant dissatisfaction or alleged breach of contract between the ministers and the congregation. A mechanism exists for dealing with such issues in the “Ministers Letter of Agreement,” and there is UUA protocol.
As mentioned above, CRR depends on willing participation of all parties to a dispute, and voluntary mutual acceptance of CRR methods and protocols. There may be some areas in which the degree and complexity of conflict is beyond the competence of the CRR, and so will be referred to the Board or the Minister(s). The CRR will not be involved in personnel decisions, disputes and judgments made by the Board. Further, matters that arouse suspicions of child or elder abuse will have to be referred to community agencies for inquiry and handling. Finally, the CRR will not be involved in matters under investigation by law enforcement or in litigation. On a case-by-case basis any member of the CRR may be asked to recuse him/herself from a particular matter in which their participation would be inappropriate.
The Committee of Right Relations (CRR) and any other WUU leaders involved in carrying out the Williamsburg Unitarian Universalists’ Covenant of Right Relations will make all reasonable efforts to protect the reputations, privacy, and confidential statements of anyone the CRR works with, except in situations in which the law requires disclosure (such as legally-required reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of a child or elder adult in WUU care). In addition, some information may be shared if necessary to protect the reputations of people who have been accused falsely. The minutes and records of CRR work will be open to inspection by any congregant, even though names and identities will be coded or disguised. Finally, CRR members work as a team, so they routinely share all information with each other as part of their work.
Take time to read the Covenant, Charter, Confidentiality Statement and User Guide for guidance first. Then, if necessary, please contact the Committee by sending an email to You will also find physical copies of the Petition to Engage the Committee for Right Relations in the Narthex. You may turn those completed forms in to the office. Both methods will bring your issue to the whole committee. A member from the committee will contact you shortly with a response or plan for follow up.