Rev. Michelle Collins joined WUU as our interim minister in August 2023. She came to us as an interim minister from Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (California) and is a Doctor of Ministry, Wesley Theological Seminary and Master of Divinity, Starr King School for the Ministry.

She has extensive experience with Soul Matters curriculum development and regional UU work, as well as currently serving as faculty for the Interim Ministry Network and Trauma Response Ministry. Her previous work experience includes being a hospital chaplain and an elementary school teacher. She is committed to anti-oppression work, social justice and social action.

Per the WUU survey, the Interim Minister Search Committee was seeking a minister with worship skills and ideas, and Rev. Collins put this forth as a strength in her profile:

“I have a strong voice in worship design and do worship well. I probably have a different perspective regarding worship than you have experienced before, and I will definitely bring this to you. It makes for a good element of the transition to try out different worship forms and a different preaching style,” she said.

The IMSC was also seeking leadership development and infrastructure skills, to help us refine and realign how we run things post-pandemic and Rev. Collins shared the following:

“I also have a gift for the organizational side of congregations, the processes and structures as well as the things that one might call “organizational ministry,” including personnel and human resources. These will definitely form a part of my ministry,” she said.

Rev. Collins is committed to the role of interim ministry, as a bridge to what’s next for the congregation.

“Transitional ministry isn’t just about the standard “tools” of interim though, it’s about journeying with you through your unique transition time, through the time of uncertainty, healing, finding your grounding again, and getting ready for your way forward. This was true before the pandemic and is all the more true now,” she said.

Rev. Michelle’s partner, John, is an avid sailor. Her daughter, Chesapeake (yes, named after the Chesapeake Bay) is in college at George Washington University in Washington DC.

For more information about The Rev. Dr. Collins: