“An Innermost Way of Seeing” - Diana Lorence, Guest Worship Leader
Have you ever longed for a more inward life? In this exploration of stories and images, Diana Lorence draws on her seven years of solitude at her Innermost House in the woods to examine our lives here in Williamsburg. How might our days in Williamsburg come to life before our eyes, illuminated by an Innermost way of seeing and living and being?
Diana Lorence now lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, and is the creator of the experiment in philosophical simplicty known as Innermost House, her personal answer to Emerson’s prescription, “Build your own world.” Since being introduced by the Thoreau Society at Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts, Diana has appeared across the country as a speaker on her life in the woods. Her essays and photographs have gained an audience in every state in the nation and nearly every nation of the world, reaching now to millions of people with a message of simplicity, spirituality, and soul-reliance.
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