“Transcendentalism for a 21st Century World” - Michael Lorence, Guest Worship Leader
At the heart of Unitarian Universalist spirituality lies New England Transcendentalism. Yet as a spiritual wisdom, Transcendentalism is so little understood today that it is often reduced to a simple prefiguring of modern environmentalism and social reform. In this presentation we go back to the beginning—back to Emerson and Thoreau and Walden—as a way of moving forward toward a livable future. What would Transcendentalism look like if it were new and useful to the world today?
Michael Lorence is president of The Innermost House Foundation in California; director of the American Wisdom Project, the Virginia House Project, and the Old Growth Initiative in Williamsburg; a past director of the Thoreau Society in Concord, Massachusetts; and loving husband of Diana Lorence to the end of time.
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