Welcome to the New wuu.org!
The wait is over, and the redesigned WUU website is live! Allow us to explain a bit about the new website and show you around.
“Why a new website?”
The old website was full of information, but it was becoming difficult to navigate and confused newcomers and longtime WUUs alike. We’ve reduced the number of pages, consolidated information, and added tons of updated content to highlight our beautiful campus, our wonderful congregation, and all the activities that make WUU a vibrant, active community.
“What is different?”
You’re probably noticing we don’t have a “home” option on the menu. That’s because the refreshed WUU logo is now the home button! Clicking on the WUU logo at the top of the website will take you back to the home page. This is a standard feature on most modern websites.
Other major changes to note:
The WUU event calendar is a button at the bottom of the website.
The Online Hub is now a page under the “Visit Us” dropdown menu. Simply click on "Online Worship” to join a Sunday service via Zoom or YouTube, check out the most recent order of service, or fill out a virtual new visitor form to receive more information from WUU.
We are so excited to introduce the Member Area of the website! In this password-protected section for WUU members only, you will find links to Soul Matters packets, official WUU documents, board meeting minutes, information about congregational leadership and committees, and so much more. Requiring a password provides at least one layer of protection from scammers and bots. Also, some in our community have privacy concerns and, like toothpaste, once your internet privacy is out, you can't get it back.
To access the Member Area, simply click on the white button at the top of the website and log in. Contact office@wuu.org if you are a member of WUU and need the password to access this new area. For easy reference, the Member Area password is also posted in the “Helpful Links” section on WUU members' Breeze profiles. (If you are a WUU member and do not have a Breeze account, please email breeze@wuu.org for assistance.)
“I found an error on the new website or a feature that doesn’t work.”
As this is a brand new website, we are expecting some hiccups over the first few weeks. Just send whatever errors you find to webmaster@wuu.org so that Rachel, our administrative and communications manager, can take a look.
Thank you to the many people who helped us make the redesigned website a reality! We are so excited to have a new online presence that is just as special as WUU.